The entry point for an application running on OpenFin is the Runtime Version Manager (RVM). The RVM reads the Application Configuration and launches the app. The RVM can be launched from a shortcut, which required a '--config' parameter with the URL of the application configuration location, or using the OpenFin fin\fins Custom protocol Handler (See Deployment Options - Custom Protocol Handler for more information).
At launch, the RVM completes the following steps:
- Reads the Application Configuration file
- Downloads the required OpenFin Runtime and any Application Assets if they are not already present on the local system
- Manages the application shortcuts
- Launches the Runtime
Once the application is launched the OpenFin Runtime is responsible for running the application
Troubleshooting Tools
The RVM creates a file named rvm.log, located in %LocalAppData%\openfin\logs.
The Runtime outputs information into the debug.log located in %LocalAppData%\openfin\cache\<security realm*>\<runtime version>
*Created if a security realm is configured
Optionally, the application developer may have configured the application to output application specific information into an application log, named app.log, located in %LocalAppData%\apps\<App Directory>\
The Runtime Version Manager requires the following to launch an application:
- Download access to the Assets Server, the default server is cdn.openfin.co
- Write access to the Runtime installation and cache directories, the default location is %localappdata%\openfin\runtime, and %localappdata%\openfin\cache.
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